I wish to refute the arguments , that smaller states are not economically viable and that the newly constituted smaller states are not doing well.
According to Mr Abheek Barman
1. Among all the newly created states, Uttarkhand by 2006-07, the average person in the hill state made Rs. 27,800, nearly double the Rs. 14,663 made by the average UP-wallah.
2. Jharkhand, where the average person’s income two years ago was Rs. 20,177 again, nearly double the average Bihari’s Rs. 10,570.
3. It’s the same story in Chhattisgarh, where the average income was nearly Rs. 29,000, much more than the average Madhya Pradesh income of Rs. 18,051 two years ago.
People in smaller newer states are definitely better off than counterparts in their parent states.
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